Can Introverts be Effective Leaders?

Meeta Mathur
2 min readJul 11, 2022

Today, an unlikely duo of a father and son walked in to my office.

The Father strode forward with a ready smile, the son remained a couple of paces behind making a firm eye contact with me.

“He is very shy,” the father said pointing towards the son. “Very quiet”, he continued, “I am afraid he lacks in aggressiveness that is so important to be a good leader”.

It made me wonder, why had the father concluded that his son, the quiet-type was not going to be a successful leader? It certainly begs a question — Can introverts be effective Leaders?

We often associate quiet, introspective people with being shy and introverts whereas a loud, dominating type is immediately considered for leadership.

Nothing can be far from the truth. Not all extroverts are leaders and neither all introverts are NOT leaders. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Ratan Tata are some famous leaders who confessed to be fiercely introverts.

Some traits observed in an effective introverted leader are:

1. Thoughtful: Introverts tend to think ideas through thoroughly before implementing them or even talking about them. They also choose their words carefully in conversation and avoid rushing into decisions or jumping to conclusions.

2. Good listener: Listening is a lost art. But it comes easy to introverts. They are happy to lend a patient ear to anyone without interruption or offering their judgments, advice, or solutions.

3. Calm under pressure: At least they appear so under the pressure. A calm, cool and collected leader radiates positivity.

4. Values quality over quantity: Introverted leaders respects others time and space. Do not intrude or press their ideas on others. In fact, they are the last to speak during meetings, giving chance to other members to put forth their ideas and opinion. Thus, everyone feels respected and valued.

5. Focused and detail-oriented: Since they are introspective, they think through the problems with greater focus.

6. Strategic thinker and problem solvers: Carefully analysing issues and creating strategies and arriving at multiple solutions to problems is often observed in introverts.

Lao Tzu famously said “Silence is a source of great strength.” People with original ideas prefer solitude. Deep rivers run quietly.



Meeta Mathur

Meeta is a Career & Communication Coach, Business Strategist and an NLP practitioner. Founder of BIG LADDER. Provides research based quality coaching to clients